


Coach  |  Speaker  |  Author

About David

For many years I suffered with low self confidence and self worth. Incorrectly, I came to the conclusion in my teenage years that 'you are either born confident or not'. As with many people, I had to fake confidence to get by. It was both a survival mechanism and a living nightmare at the same time. After all, mental health was not something that you talked about, and vulnerability was seen as sign of weakness, embarrassment and emasculation. I would constantly question myself and doubt myself which would affect my life in every area.

The turning point came when my father passed on in October 2002, and my son was born a few months later in January 2003. After these two life changing events, I knew I had to change. 

In 2004, I started coaching training and immediately set to work to help others overcome their challenges. I have since delivered seminars, workshops, courses, trainings and coached business and individuals from all over the world. Unsurprisingly, people in all walks of life have similar problems that they are looking to overcome. 

My first book 'Let It Go' has just been published. It's my small contribution to make a difference to the world at this challenging time in human history. 

David Rahman BSc (Hons)

Accredited Master Coach 

Speaker & Author

Global Speaker

David has a simple yet profound message to share with the world. Many years ago he decided to come out of his comfort zone and speak on stage. 

If you’re looking for a dynamic, inspiring and motivating speaker, then David is more than happy to help. 

The world is in a state of flux and change is happening quicker than we can often keep up. It’s time to take back control!



David's New Book:

Let It Go

How to Stop Your Past Ruining Your Future

David is releasing his book ‘Let It Go’ to help start a movement of change. David strongly believes that if we can let go of a belief, a behaviour or a habit that we are currently living, our life can start changing immediately.

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